Install Microsoft Office 365

Install Microsoft Office 365

This article covers how to install Microsoft 365 on personal devices.

You are provided enough licenses for 5 different devices.


Desktop PC or laptop

  1. Go to portal.office.com/account and sign in using your Essex IT account

  2. In Office apps & devices choose Install Office

If you’re a new student and can’t see the Install Office link, this may be because it is too far away from your start date. Please try again nearer your start date.

Install Office.png
  1. In your downloads folder, open the file OfficeSetup.exe (this usually pops up in the top-right of your web browser)

Install File.png
  1. Run the setup following the on-screen instructions

  2. Once installed open any Microsoft 365 app, for example Word

  3. Sign in with your Essex IT account

All other Microsoft 365 application should then be automatically signed in going forward.

Mobile Devices

You can download Microsoft 365 for your mobile device from your device’s dedicated app store.

iOS (iPhone & iPad)

Google Play (Android Smartphones & Tablets)

Please be aware that your Microsoft 365 subscription will end when you leave the University.

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