Getting started with AppsAnywhere
AppsAnywhere is our software delivery service. It gives you on-demand access to applications anywhere, and on almost any device.
Step 1
Go to and sign in with your Essex username & password.
Step 2
When prompted, either click Install Now, allowing AppsAnywhere to install or click I have it already if you are already using AppsAnywhere.
Please be aware that University software will need to utilise AppsAnywhere to install on your personal device. optionally, you can use an on-campus lab to access required software.
Step 3
Click on the download when it appears to run the installer.
This may appear differently depending on your device and operating system. In most web browsers, this appears at the top-right of the screen.
Step 4
Follow through the installer instructions. Once installed, click I have completed installed.
Step 5
When the prompt pops up on your browser, we recommend ticking “Always open these types of links in the associated app”.
After a few moments, you should see a large tick in the bottom-right of the screen,, indicating that verification has been successful.
You should now be ready to start using AppsAnywhere.
Step 6
You can search for apps by using the search box. This will then display the app, alongside install options.
We recommend you click the app bar, rather than going straight to Install as this provides more information, especially about different versions and their licensing.
Step 7
When you have found the app you wish to install, click Install, Launch, Run or Visit Website, depending on the option presented to you.
Step 8
Given a few moments, your app should now load.
You can also check the apps you have installed via the Cloudpaging Player. Click the Start Menu or Search Bar and type “Cloudpaging Player”.
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IT Support Students
01206 87 2345