Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Setup for Telephone


This guide will show you how to set up multifactor authentication (MFA) using your telephone number. This is recommended as a backup method to use when authenticating your Essex IT account as it works as long as you have an active telephone signal.

We recommend having the Microsoft Authenticator App as your default method.


Step 1

Navigate to

Sign in with your University Email Address & Password.

Click Add Sign-In Method.

Select Choose a Method to reveal a drop-down box.

Click Phone.

Once selected, click Add.

You will need to enter your telephone number, alternatively selecting your region code.

Select Call Me or Text me a Code

Click Next

You should receive a call or text message from Microsoft within seconds.

Hit the hashtag # on your smartphone keypad or enter the requested text code on the computer.

When you see the below, click Done.

You should now see your authentication method listed on your profile on the computer.

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