Print on another's behalf

Print on another's behalf

You can use a feature called ‘Hand over’ to send a job in your queue to another University of Essex student or staff member’s queue. This will then allow them to print this job on your behalf.

ℹ️ This may be of use if you need to print and are out of virtual print balance.
We recommend considering high volume printing as a longer term solution, or contacting the IT Helpdesk to assist with your virtual print balance.


Follow these steps to hand over a job to another user.

  1. Print a document to the ‘Essex Printing’ queue or email as an attachment to mobileprinting@essex.ac.uk

  2. Sign in to uniFLOW Online

  3. Locate your document in the My queue section of your Dashboard


  1. Select the box next to the job’s name to select the job

  2. Select Hand over


  1. Type the surname of the University of Essex student or staff member into the box and select the image-20240910-140258.png icon to filter the list

  2. Select the name of the student or staff member you wish to hand over the job to

⚠️ Ensure that you are selecting the right student or staff member as once delegated, you will not be able to undo or retrieve the file without contacting that person.

  1. Click Select

  2. uniFLOW Online will display a ‘Delegating job’ notification, followed by ‘Delegated Job Successfully

The print job will now appear in that student or staff member’s print queue, where it will be held for 3 days before deletion. They will receive an email from the uniFLOW Online system notifying them of this. They can release the print job at any University of Essex printer.

ℹ️ When the print job is successfully printed, the budget of the person the job was delegated to is deducted (if applicable), rather than the person who delegated the job.

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