Scan to PDF
  • Rough draft
  • Scan to PDF

    This article will show you how to scan a document and save it as a PDF.

    Initial Scan

    1. Log into any printer on campus.

    2. Load your papers into the documents feeder.

    3. Select “Secure Print”

    4. Select “Scan”

    5. Select “Scan to Self”

    Make sure the scan options below are selected.

    1. Wait for the scan to complete

    Once complete, your documents will be back in the documents feeder tray.


    Accessing Your PDF

    Your newly digitised file will be sent to your Essex account as a PDF.

    Now you can open, edit or annotate it with a PDF editor such as Adobe Reader.

    You can also copy the text into Word and edit there. You can save the file to your OneDrive which allows you to access it from multiple devices and share or collaborate with colleagues.

    Don’t forget, the search function either - search within your PDF in nanoseconds, without the need to read through a pile of papers.

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