EndNote & Word Plugin

This article covers how to install EndNote on your University or personal computer, along with some troubleshooting steps if you are experiencing issues.


Installing EndNote

Please make sure Microsoft Word is closed when installing Endnote

  1. Navigate to the Software Hub

    1. Optionally, see Software Hub - Getting Started

  2. Search for EndNote

  3. Locate the latest version

  4. Click Install

    1. Installs AppsAnywhere if not already installed

    2. Creates a virtual installation of EndNote

EndNote Plugin

The EndNote plugin should be automatically installed alongside EndNote itself, however it may need to be activated using the below steps:

  1. Open Word

  2. Click Options

  3. Click Add-ins

  4. Under Active Applications

  5. Select the inactive plugin for EndNote

  6. Click Go

    1. Should install the plugin to Word

Video Instructions can be found below:

How to enable Endnote in Microsoft Word (Windows).



Try reinstalling the software by uninstalling it and following the external guidance linked above.

Ensure that users are downloading and installing the latest version, removing older versions.

Try restarting Word or the computer itself for the plugin to enable and display in Word.