Change your password

Change your password

This article provides the best method to reset your Essex IT Account password.


You can change your password by requesting a one-time passcode to be sent to your external email address registered with the University.

Change Your Password

We recommend using your desktop PC or laptop for this.

Please note, it can take 30-minutes for your password change to take effect.

Step 1

  1. Navigate to Change Password

  2. Enter your Username

    1. e.g. jd12345

  3. Tick the radio button “Request a one-time passcode to be sent to…”

  4. Tick the radio button for the University Guidelines

  5. Select Continue

Step 2

  1. Enter your PRID

    1. Printed on your staff/student card

  2. Enter your Date of Birth

  3. Select Continue

  1. Tick the radio button for “Email to my external email address”

    1. You should now receive an email to your personal email address with a link to reset your password.

Step 3

  1. Select the link provided via your external email address.

  1. Enter your Username

  2. Select Continue

Step 4

  1. Enter a New Password

    1. Must be minimum 16 characters with letters, number and symbols

  2. Enter your New Password Again to confirm

  3. Select Change Password

This can take up to 30-minutes for the password change to take effect.

If you’re having trouble typing the same lengthy password in again, write it down initially and destroy the paper copy afterwards.


External Email Address Issues?

If you’re aren’t receiving the passphrase retrieval email, it may be that you are using a different external email address to the one registered with the University or you need to check your junk mail.

Change Password (Using Passphrase)