Barracuda email quarantine frequency

Barracuda email quarantine frequency


This article covers how to change the frequency at which you receive email notifications for quarantined emails.

Sign In

Sign in to your own mailbox:

  1. Go to https://ess.uk.barracudanetworks.com

  2. Enter your Essex email address

    1. e.g. jb12345@essex.ac.uk

  3. Select Continue

  4. Enter your University password

  5. Select Continue

  1. Go to https://ess.uk.barracudanetworks.com

  2. Enter the shared email address

    1. e.g. sharedmailbox@essex.ac.uk

  3. Select Continue

  4. Choose the option Email a temporary passcode for you to log in with

Barracuda Temp Pass.png
  1. Check your shared mailbox for an email containing a temporary passcode

  2. Enter the temporary passcode and then select Continue


Users can change the frequency of their Barracuda email alerts by performing the following actions:

  1. Access the Barracuda Portal

    1. As shown above

  2. Click Settings

    1. Top of window

  3. Click Quarantine Notification


Enable / Disable Notifications

Enable or disable the notifications for quarantined emails.

We recommend keeping this enabled in caser you miss important emails due to a false positive.

Notification Intervals

Click on the individual blocks in the provided grid to choose what times you receive the notifications for your quarantined emails.

For example, you could only have these come through email within the first hour each morning.

Notification Schedule for Shared Mailboxes

Changing the quarantine schedule for a shared mailbox will change the schedule for everyone who is a member of the shared mailbox – these settings are not personal to you. We recommend you discuss the schedule with the members of your shared mailbox and nominate one person to manage the schedule.