eduroam wifi with geteduroam app

eduroam wifi with geteduroam app

This article provides steps by step guidance on getting to eduroam using the geteduroamapp for Android and iOS devices.


  1. If you have tried to connect to eduroam previously. Make sure to choose the “forget network” option for eduroam before installing the geteduroam app.

  2. Navigate to the Play Store

  3. Search for geteduroam

  4. Tap geteduroam

  5. Tap Install

  1. Once downloaded and installed, open the geteduroam app

  2. Search for “Essex”

  3. Tap on University of Essex

    1. Tap allow for any app permissions.

  1. Tap Next

  2. Enter your Essex Account Credentials

  3. Tap Connect to Network

    1. It should now connect to the network

  4. If prompted, tap Save

  5. Tap OK


If you have tried to connect to eduroam previously. Make sure to choose the “forget network” option for eduroam before installing the geteduroam app.

If you’re having issues with the geteduroam app, we recommend uninstalling the app and trying one of the following articles for your device. This will require a manual setup instead.

eduroam wifi with iOS

eduroam wifi with Android