This guide is intended to assist users in the correct use of the Wireless microphones deployed to the larger teaching spaces around campus.
Locate the microphones in the space - they should have been left plugged into the dock on the desk.
Lift the microphone you wish to use up out of the dock
The microphone should automatically activate - this will be shown by the light on it going green. It can take a couple of seconds to do so.
Should you need to mute the microphone, you can press the circular button on it. The light will go red. This button can be pressed again to un-mute the microphone.
Microphone placements information can be found in the dropdown below.
When you’re done using the microphones, please put them back into the dock to ensure they are charged for the next user. Ensure the microphone is facing the right direction, and don’t force it back in - the charging USBs can be broken with excessive force.
Please be aware if you remove a microphone from the room, an alarm from the microphone will sound. Return the microphone to the dock to stop this. |
No Audio out of the microphone? Check the signal light on it is solid green - it may still be waking up. If solid red, press the circular mute toggle.
No lights on the microphone? The microphone may have been left off the dock and run out of charge. Replace it to the dock, and see what the charge lights indicate
Missing microphones? Check the lectern top for a charging dock - it may be that the room is not outfitted with these microphones. If the dock is present, check the desk and next to the PC - some people are bad at following instructions.