We recommend trying the geteduroam app first and only use this method if you experience issues with connecting to eduroam using the app on Android devices.
eduroam wifi with geteduroam app
Open your device’s Settings app
Choose Network and Internet
Choose Internet
Turn on your wifi (if it’s turned off)
Choose eduroam
Enter the following settings and then choose Connect.
Setting name | Setting to enter |
Phase 2 Authentication | MSCHAPV2 |
CA Certificate | Don't Validate or Use System Certificates |
Identity | Your University email address |
Password | Your University password |
Domain | essex.ac.uk |
Anonymous Identity | Leave empty or essex.ac.uk |
You should now be connected to eduroam.
Can’t connect?
Try the below additional steps to use the manual certificate to connect to eduroam.
Open a web browser such as Google Chrome Tap on the address bar at the top of the screen Type essex.ac.uk/it/eduroam.crt You may be asked to allow the website to download the file Tap Allow
Tap Close
 Navigate to Settings on your device Tap Security & Privacy You may need to scroll down toward the bottom of the current menu
Tap More Security Settings Tap Encryption & Credentials Tap Install a Certificate Tap Wi-Fi Certificate Tap the file named eduroam.crt Name it eduroam Tap OK You may receive an error message, you can ignore it
Return to step 6 and change the settings to the following:
Setting Name | Setting to Enter |
EAP | PEAP | Phase 2 Authentication | MSCHAPV2 | CA Certificate | eduroam | Online Certificate Status | Use System Certificates | Identity | Your University Email Address | Password | Your University Password | Domain | essex.ac.uk | Anonymous Identity | Leave Blank |